








英語がそこまで得意でない人間が英語力を伸ばすためにお勧めの授業を聞いて選んだのはコミュニケーションのクラス。人前でスピーチができるようになるクラスです。アメリカ人はみなスピーチができるという偏見を持っていましたがそんなことはなく、みなさん授業でスピーチについての知識を学び、クラスメイトの前でスピーチするための練習をして経験を積む、それを繰り返して始めて「スピーチ上手」になっているそうです。元から備わっているtalent ではなく、練習によって身につけるskill なんだという話が印象的でした。このコミュニケーションのクラスは数年前まで高等教育の必須科目だったとのこと。


ちなみにPersuasive Speech で私は日本の大学のミスコンを廃止すべきという主張をしました。日本でそんなこといったら「フェミニストだ」といわれたりしそうでとてもいえませんが、こちらの先生は「とても面白い」といってくれました。「女性らしい」「上品だ」ではなく「intelligent」「interesting」「work hard」を誉め言葉として授けてもらえるのがこの上なく嬉しいです。



I think beauty contests held in Japanese top level universities should be abolished. I know many beauty pageant[pǽdʒənt] are held in the United States and I don’t want to say all of those should be abolished because these contests include various purposes, for example getting scholarship. Or, candidates are judged by not only appearance but also intelligence or education. And of course there are some contests to judge their outer beauty. Those are inevitable and stand to reason for girls or ladies who want to be actresses or such professionals.

But in Japan, we can see beauty contests in college and judging criteria are based on appearance.  Furthermore, a quiet lady who is not assertive tend to be selected as a winner because they are popular in Japanese culture. This phenomenon makes us women feel we have to be quiet, or it’s better not to say my opinion strongly and so on. We feel pressured in that way. In my understanding, a bigger problem is that this type of contests are held in the highest educational institutions like University of Tokyo. Female students basically don’t assert themselves even though they are smart and intelligent. Additionally, there are many club activities in University of Tokyo, which female students of University of Tokyo can’t join. Only female students of other universities can join and this is because female students of University of Tokyo are not recognized cute or quiet by male students think. Female students accept it without doubting because this is a common recognition.

Actually I was one of those students and when I was in college, I had to pretend to be quiet or I tried not to assert my opinion because doing so was not considered good for female students. But now, I have noticed it is wrong and I regret how I acted. I definitely hope this culture or atmosphere that just being beautiful and being quiet is enough for women will change in Japanese colleges.  I think beauty contests is one of factors which make this culture and atmosphere in college and so I think they should be abolished as soon as possible.  


*オンラインに移行してもパソコンやWifi などのネットワーク環境が整っていなくて受けることが叶わない学生も多いです。特にミシガン大学は貧富の差が激しくそれがコロナ感染率の地域差にも表れてしまっています。自分の置かれた環境に感謝します。